BRUNSWICK HEADS PHOTOS, the Breakwalls. The breakwalls, also known as Training Walls, were constructed in the very early sixties. The vast number of vessels, regrettably, that have come to grief on the Brunswick Bar, and a history of the local village can be found in “Brunswick, Another River and it’s People”.

Written by Jim Brokenshire copies can be obtained from Brunswick Heads Simple Pleasures is their name and it the local tourist one stop shop.

Recently upgraded, the access along the breakwalls is excellent and on any day hundreds of people will enjoy a comfortable walk, bicycle, or wheelchair sojourn to the end of the pathway. On a good day you will see Dolphins, young people surfing, and during the winter months the Whales will be making their annual migration up and down the East Coast.

Torakina Beach Brunz

On every opportunity I will peddle my bike along the South Wall to see what may transpire, always with a camera. Let the images and video snapshots tell the tale, oh, also a poem or two.

Many other photos will be available to view in the recently opened Post; My Photos for sale,




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